How to Avoid 9 Holiday Pet Dangers

The holidays are a time for spreading joy and love, but your pets may have other plans. Holiday foods, decorations, and parties provide ample opportunities for curious pets to find trouble that could ruin your celebration, or worse—land your pet in the emergency hospital. Holiday dangers lurk around every corner, so Cherry Knolls Animal Clinic [...]

Making Sense of Your Pet’s Blood Work: CBC and Chemistry Results Explained

When your pet has their annual wellness visit, your veterinarian performs a physical exam and administers vaccinations. Although your pet may appear perfectly healthy, we also recommend they have blood testing to monitor and examine their health at a cellular level, evaluating your pet for health issues we cannot detect during a physical exam, and [...]

Understanding Pet Anesthesia: Safety and Risk

Pet owners are often scared when told that their pet needs anesthesia for a surgical or dental procedure. After all, your pet is your baby, and you’d be devastated if anything went wrong. Rest assured—modern anesthetic protocols and drugs have made the process extremely safe for most pets, and at Cherry Knolls Veterinary Clinic, we [...]

A Pet Owner’s Guide to Brachycephalic Breeds

Adorable, flat-faced pets (i.e., brachycephalic breeds) are irresistible to many pet owners, but their physical characteristics can lead to significant health issues. Our American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)-accredited team at Cherry Knolls Veterinary Clinic wants to provide information about the challenges these pets face, and steps that can be taken to address these issues. Brachycephalic [...]

Noise Aversion Awareness for Pet Owners

July 5 is the busiest day of the year for pet shelters, because they take in large numbers of pets frightened by the fireworks. Approximately 67% of dogs and many cats in the United States suffer from noise aversion. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)-accredited team at Cherry Knolls Veterinary Clinic want to help with [...]

Chronic Ear Infections—What Dog Owners Should Know

Ear infections are a common malady in dogs, causing them extreme pain and significant health complications. Our American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)-accredited team at Cherry Knolls Veterinary Clinic wants to help by providing information about canine ear infections and describing the steps you can take to prevent the condition. Canine ear infection causes Canine ear [...]

A Heartworm Heart to Heart—10 Essential Facts

Heartworm disease poses a deadly threat to dogs and cats, but doesn’t need to endanger your pet—heartworm prevention is easier, safer, and more effective than ever, and annual screening tests can identify early or hidden disease. So why does this devastating parasitic infection affect more than one million pets every year? Perhaps a lack of [...]

Treat or Toxin? The Truth Behind Xylitol Toxicity in Pets

While the list of toxic foods for pets may seem to grow every year, knowing what ingredients may harm your dog or cat could save their life. Xylitol, a popular product that shows up in a variety of foods, may not be a household term—but should be—if you live with pets. Cherry Knolls Veterinary Clinic [...]

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